TV Coverage | 15 Minutes of Fame

TV Coverage

The rescue was reported on TV starting on April 23, 1987 in the United States. It appeared as a segment on the evening news on all three major networks, as a segment on all Phoenix evening TV news reports, and was mentioned as a side report in all major TV network markets. The next morning, via a live link from Phoenix, I appeared on Good Morning America, The Today show, and Australia’s Nine Network Terry Willesee Show. That evening, the report was carried worldwide (including in the Soviet Union and China) using feeds from the US. In all, I conducted 14 interviews in Phoenix TV studios that were then distributed to other carriers.

When I received the AT&T Vail Award in New York, the ceremony was carried by all the New York TV stations on both their noon and evening news broadcasts. It was also carried nationwide through CNN News. All the Phoenix TV stations covered the Award Ceremony. In addition, I was interviewed live at two New York TV Stations. The three major networks mentioned the award ceremony on their evening news broadcasts.

My favorite TV broadcasts were the April 23rd NBC Nightly News broadcast and the May 7th New York Channel 9 At Noon Interview. Below are links to some of the TV broadcasts concerning the rescue and the Vail Award.

NBC Nightly News – April 23, 1987

CBS Evening News – April 23, 1987

ABC World News Tonight – April 23,1987

Australia’s Nine Network Terry Willesee Show – April 24,1987

NBC News Today – May 6, 1987

CNN Prime News – May 6, 1987

NBC New York Live at 5 – May 6, 1987

NBC New York 9@ Noon – May 7, 1987

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The 15 Minutes of Fame experienced by Gregory P Robertson